At Birthright, we understand the challenges related to unplanned pregnancies. Birthright is available to women for as long as they need us. We offer love, friendship, and support to women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant. Birthright is interdenominational and is not involved in any political activities, or lobbying. Birthright’s focus is on loving the mother, reminding her that there is hope and ensuring she is not alone.
The Birthright office will be closed for Christmas Dec 24, 26, & 31. Regular hours resume Jan 2, 2025. ******************************************************** Feeling worried? Want to talk to a supportive Birthright volunteer? Birthright support is only a phone call away. We do our best to return calls even when our office is closed. If you’d like to talk to one of our friendly Birthright volunteers , please call us at: 250.380.0305.
Find Us
Get involved
Birthright relies on the dedication, time and talents of volunteers. We welcome any and all individuals who share our philosophy and commitment to offer loving, confidential, nonjudgmental support to those who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant. There are many volunteer opportunities available and we would gladly discuss our volunteer program with you. Full training and mentorship is provided for our volunteers so you can best help the women who need you.
It’s November and that means another reason to celebrate: the arrival of Birthright Fudge2019 in Victoria! Our volunteers will be selling home-made Fudge as well as Chocolate Apricots and Caramel Corn at area churches from now through December 8th. We’ll be at most of the Catholic Churches from Sooke to Cobble Hill. You can also order Birthright Fudge directly by phone (250.478.5372) or email. All of our Fudges are Chocolate and conveniently packaged to slip into a stocking or bring along as a hostess gift during your Christmas visiting. With names like Macadamia Madness, Black Forest, and Midnight Mint, how can you resist?
This year, we’re especially proud to introduce our newest Fudge variety: Root Beer Float, a decadent blend of chocolate with the frosty taste of Root Beer over ice cream!
In other words, this is probably the sweetest opportunity you’ll get to feed your sweet tooth and do something life-affirming at the same time…
Our 2019 Birthright Fudge Calendar
From first to last, our calendar is full of sweet items. Please scroll down to see more information about where our Birthright volunteers will be this Fudge-selling season.
Nov 10:
Our Lady of Fatima, Elk Lake area (Sun. 9 AM Eng, 11 AM Portuguese, 12:30 PM Spanish)
Nov 16/17:
St Rose of Lima in Sooke (Saturday 4 PM, Sunday 9:15 AM)
Queen of Peace in Esquimalt (Sunday 10 AM, 12 PM TLM, 2 PM Ordinariate)
Nov 23/24:
St. Francis Xavier in Cobble Hill (Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 9 AM)
Our Lady of the Rosary in Langford (Sat. 6PM, Sunday 8 & 11 AM)
St. Patrick’s in Oak Bay (Saturday 6 PM, Sunday 11 AM)
Nov 30/Dec 1:
St Joseph the Worker on McKenzie (Saturday 6 PM, Sunday 11 AM & 6 PM)
Saanich Peninsula Parish (St. Elizabeth’s Saturday 5 PM & Sunday 10:30 AM; also Our Lady of the Assumption Sunday 8:30 AM)
Our Lady Star of the Sea in Belmont Park (Sunday 10:30 AM)
Dec 7/8:
Holy Cross in Gordon Head (Saturday 4 PM, Sunday 9 AM). Last opportunity of the season to purchase Birthright Fudge!
Birthright Victoria… serving women challenged by unplanned pregnancy…because no one should have to deal with a crisis pregnancy alone.
Need even more reasons to indulge? Take a look at our gallery below.
Black Forest
Macadamia Madness
Midnight Mint
Chocolate Walnut
Classic Chocolate
Root Beer Float: our newest variety!
Our Birthright Strollerthon 2019
Please join us for our Birthright Strollerthon 2019. This "fun" fund raiser is a sponsored 5K walk along the James Bay waterfront, beginning and ending at Fisherman's Wharf Park, at the corner of St. Lawrence and Michigan Streets. We welcome walkers of all ages and are especially interested in adding more families and young people to our group of walkers. Strollers are optional, but since Birthright is all about helping pregnant women and their babies, we especially love to have some babes in strollers along for the ride.
How you can help:
Sponsor one or more of our walkers.
Walkers will be collecting pledges at many of the Catholic parishes in the Victoria area over the next few weeks. They would love to have your support. You can also contact us at to find a walker near you or make a pledge.
Sign up to walk.
Strollerthon materials such as sponsor forms, bulletin and pulpit notices, Strollerthon posters in pdf and jpg formats...we have them all. Please contact us to sign up to walk or for more information.
Here's some walker information:
The Walk starts from Fisherman's Wharf Park at 10 AM. Please arrive by 9:45 AM so we can get a group photo before you set off.
Plan on 1-2 hours to complete the walk. (Most of our walkers finish in about an hour.)
Collect pledges from friends, family, & fellow parishioners in the weeks before and after the walk.
Another way you can promote Birthright's Annual Strollerthon is by liking, sharing, or commenting on this post on social media.
Birthright Strollerthon 2019 promotes the pregnancy support work of Birthright Victoria, ensuring that no woman should have to face a crisis pregnancy alone…
Garden Babies for Birthright Plant Sales 2019
Our Birthright Plant Sales benefit the work of Birthright Victoria, offering caring support to women facing unplanned pregnancy.
Ardent gardeners and Birthright Victoria supporters look forward to these sales all year round for their great selection of vigorous plants, knowledgeable help, and wonderful prices. Not to mention that your purchases help to support women struggling with unexpected pregnancy issues. That makes attending one of our Birthright Plant Sales a win/win opportunity!
This year, we're showcasing deer resistant plants at all three of our May Plant Sales. We'll be in Langford on May 4 and in Sidney and Oak Bay on May 11.
May 4 9 AM - 1 PM: Plant Sale at Our Lady of the Rosary 798 Goldstream, Langford. The first of our May Plant Sales! Keep an eye on our selection of flowering shrubs. They go fast! Browse our perennials, herbs, ground-covers, and veggies while you're at it. And don't forget to look over our wall of plant pictures to whet your appetite. You'll also find a large list of deer resistant plants (our 2019 feature) plus lists for drought, shade loving, and shade tolerant plants. Plant donations gratefully accepted Friday, May 3, from 3 - 5 PM.
May 11 8 AM - 1 PM: Plant Sale at St. Elizabeth's Church 10030 3rd Ave, Sidney. In conjunction with the local Knights of Columbus Garage Sale. Each plant sale has a different flavour and somewhat different plants due to local plant donations. this plant sale always comes up winners with some unusual plant contributions! Expect the same picture boards and plant lists as at the Langford sale, weather permitting. This one's an outside sale, so wild weather can make for hairy reading! A great selection of flowering shrubs, ground covers, bulbs, herbs, and perennials! Plant donations gratefully accepted Friday, May 10, from 3 - 6 PM.
May 11 9 AM - 1 PM: Plant Sale at St. Patrick's Church 2060 Haultain Ave, Oak Bay. Flowering shrubs, ground covers, perennials, herbs, and veggies. Helpful volunteers to walk you through the plants and make suggestions to suit your gardening needs. Picture boards and lists for deer resistant plants, drought, shade lovers and shade tolerants. And great prices! This sale has everything you need for starting a new garden or filling out an established one. Plant donations gratefully accepted Friday, May 10, from 3 - 5 PM.
Thank You to all of our Birthright Supporters
A BIG THANK YOU to all of our Birthright supporters in Victoria! We're ending this year's Birthright Fudge season with a bang: sold out fudge at our last sale at Holy Cross this past weekend, and a new, very high record for parish sales. For all who supported the pro-life mission of Birthright Victoria by packing fudge, selling fudge, or buying fudge, we greatly appreciate your support.
It's Not Too Late
The Birthright Fudge season is now officially over, but you're not too late to get Fudge if you act quickly! I'm baking this week to fill one last order, so you also have one last chance to order Birthright fudge. Contact Peggy ASAP (see poster) if you want to order additional fudge. We're hoping to set a new record for Fudge fund-raising this year!
Once again, thank you to all of our Birthright supporters for another successful Birthright Fudge season!
Birthright Victoria...because no woman should have to face an unplanned pregnancy alone!
Birthright Fudge is Now Available!
It’s November and that means another reason to celebrate: the arrival of Birthright Fudge in Victoria! Our volunteers will be selling home-made Fudge as well as Chocolate Apricots and Caramel Corn at area churches from now through the second week of December. We’ll be at most of the Catholic Churches from Sooke to Cobble Hill. You can also order Birthright Fudge directly by phone (250.478.5372) or email. All of our Fudges are Chocolate and conveniently packaged to slip into a stocking or bring along as a hostess gift during your Christmas visiting. With names like Macadamia Madness, Black Forest, and Midnight Mint, how can you resist?
In conclusion, this is probably the sweetest opportunity you’ll get to feed your sweet tooth and do something life-affirming at the same time…
Our 2018 Birthright Fudge Calendar
Please scroll down to see more information about where our Birthright volunteers will be this Fudge-selling season.
Nov 17/18:
St Rose of Lima in Sooke (Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 9:30 AM)
Queen of Peace in Esquimalt (Sunday 10 AM, 12 PM Latin Mass, 2 PM Ordinariate)
Our Lady of the Rosary in Langford (Sat. during St. Cecilia dinner, Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 AM)
St. Patrick’s in Oak Bay (Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 AM)
Nov 24/25:
St. Francis Xavier in Cobble Hill (Saturday 5 PM, Sun. 9 AM & Noon)
Our Lady Star of the Sea in Belmont Park (Sunday 10:30 AM)
Our Lady of Fatima, Elk Lake area (Sun. 9 AM-Eng, 11 AM-Portuguese, 12:30 PM Spanish)
Dec 1/2:
St Joseph’s on McKenzie (Saturday 5 PM, Sunday 10 AM & 6 PM)
Saanich Peninsula Parish (St. Elizabeth’s Sat 5 PM & Sun 10:30 AM; also Our Lady of the Assumption Sun 8:30 AM)
Dec 8/9:
Holy Cross in Gordon Head (Sat. 5 PM, Sun. 8:30 & 10:30 AM, 4 PM Student Mass)
Birthright Victoria… serving women challenged by unplanned pregnancy…because no one should have to deal with a crisis pregnancy alone.
Our Birthright Strollerthon 2018!
It was a challenging year for our Birthright Strollerthon 2018, with walkers experiencing illness, a death in the family, conflicting dates etc, but in the end the walk came together and we had another successful Birthright Strollerthon. Thank you to all of our walkers, both those who were able to participate this year and those who were not.
The Walk
Despite Victoria's recent spell of hot weather, Saturday morning near the water dawned cool and breezy. Just right for a stroll through James Bay in support of Birthright Victoria and our mission of support to women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. After the walk, we had an impromptu picnic complete with cake, juice, violin serenades, and visiting on the grassy slopes surrounding Fisherman's Wharf Park.
Sponsoring our Walkers
If you would like to donate to this year's Strollerthon, it's not too late. Please speak to our walkers or their representatives at the churches listed below.
Saanich Peninsula Catholic Churches (we are taking donations in memory of Patrick Lally, RIP)
the Ordinariate Community meeting at Our Lady of Fatima (donations in memory of Patrick Lally, RIP)
Queen of Peace in Esquimalt
The Latin Congregation meeting at Queen of Peace
Our Lady of the Rosary in Langford
Our Lady Star of the Sea in Colwood
St Joseph the Worker on Burnside Rd
St Francis Xavier in Mill Bay
You can also make a Strollerthon donation directly to Birthright Victoria by writing to us at 513 - 620 View St; Victoria, BC V8W 1J6. Please mark your donation "Birthright Strollerthon 2018."
Birthright...because no one should have to cope with an unplanned pregnancy alone…